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Popular science talks

 A selection of the scientific outreach events in which I have participated

The Physics of Table Tennis

Retreat of the Condensed Matter Physics Department, University of Barcelona

July 18, 2023. CTT Amics de Terrassa, Terrassa (Spain)

Table tennis involves fascinating physics. I will discuss both experiments and theory on how the ball bounces, how it spins on surfaces (like the table or the paddle), and how spin makes the ball deflect as is travels through air. Players from the table tennis club will demonstrate all these effects live.


Local TV Terrassa

The physical principles of biology. From molecules to ecosystems

Les Colloques des Résidents du Colegio de España

June 13, 2016. Sala Ramón y Cajal, Colegio de España, Paris (France)

What physical principles govern biological processes? Building the physics of living systems is one of the great challenges at the interdisciplinary boundaries of Physics. In the talk, I will overview the approach with which physicists try to understand how the building blocks of biological systems self-organize to become functional. I will give some paradigmatic examples of this self-organization across scales: from zebra stripes to evolution through cell migration or neuronal networks.

The physical principles of biology. From molecules to ecosystems


Grup C3: Ciència, Cultura i Coneixement. Cicle de xerrades "L'Univers, el gran trencaclosques"

January 23, 2016. Vestíbul de l'Ajuntament, Calldetenes (Spain)


What physical principles govern biological processes? Building the physics of living systems is one of the great challenges at the interdisciplinary boundaries of Physics. In the talk, I will overview the approach with which physicists try to understand how the building blocks of biological systems self-organize to become functional. I will give some paradigmatic examples of this self-organization across scales: from zebra stripes to evolution through cell migration or neuronal networks.

Phase transitions under the light of the microscope


Les Colloques des Résidents du Colegio de España

October 19, 2015. Sala Ramón y Cajal, Colegio de España, Paris (France)

To boil water or to melt an ice cube are everyday examples of phase transitions, in which the molecules of a substance reorganize in a way that we can not usually see. Being able to directly observe these reorganizations with the help of a microscope allows us to investigate the physical principles of phase transitions.

Phase transitions under the light of the microscope


Pint of Science

May 19, 2015. Pub Michael Collins, Barcelona (Spain)


The aim of Pint of Science is to deliver science talks in a fun, engaging and approachable way by bringing them to a pub close to you. We will bring you the most interesting and knowledgeable scientists around to give a talk about their research. You just sit back, sip your drink, listen and then you can either ask questions, have a drink with them or even tell them about your crazy idea to save humanity (we can’t promise they will listen, but hey, why not give it a shot?).


Abstract of the talk: To boil water in a pan or to melt an ice cube in a glass of whisky are everyday examples of what we know as phase transitions. Usually, we can not see how atoms or molecules reorganize when a substance changes state. Being able to directly observe these reorganizations with the help of a microscope allows us to investigate the physical principles of phase transitions, which may eventually contribute to developing new materials. And in the end, we will learn what the changes in the structure of some magnetic crystals have to do with the reflection of a mountain in a lake, supercooled water, and diamonds.


ralert [at] pks[dot]mpg[dot]de




1B15 at MPI-PKS, 209 at CSBD

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